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Old 15th September 2020, 04:30 PM
evajb001 evajb001 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 463

Had placed two 4 leg multi's using a $30 bonus bets that had basically already hit the first 3 legs on some AFL/NRL matches worth $20k and $13k respectively. Unfortunately the $20k one was for Nancho in the cup who is now ruled out and the other was for Port Guillaume who had a pretty poor showing on the weekend but sounds like he had some excuses.

Looking at the order of entry it appears there's a few at the top end that can get eliminated pretty quickly due to weight, age, gender and having competed in the cup previously. Any preliminary ones towards the top of the order of entry you like walkermac based on some of the elimination criteria or too early to throw some names up?
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