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Old 10th November 2020, 02:38 PM
gsdanger gsdanger is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 29
Smile Tab_Prices - On your One Drive (Shaun)...

Hi Shaun,
Good to see you are progressing very well with the new python programming language.
You have made the python file available on your One Drive..That's great.!
My problem is that I cannot locate your One drive option here.(I had this problem a while ago, and you sent me a direct link to your drive, which allowed me to access the drive).
Can you please supply me with the link to your drive, so I can access the "TAB_Prices" file.

I am looking forward to using it and maybe assisting with enhancing it, although I am in the infancy of using the python language.

Please advise....Kind regards.

Garry D.
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