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Old 16th September 2004, 09:27 AM
dingoboy dingoboy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 241

Hi All,

Normally a place man myself,

I have played with this 9/4 staking plan before, on paper,.... and found that once you get a few loosers in a row say seven, eight, it really eats into the bank, what Bhagwan says i feel is the key, i looked over my months and months of "paper bets" and found that my run of outs were occasionally 7-12 in a row, only happened three times over about six months but if i were punting with folding it would have hurt.
I looked at what BW wrote about stopping the progression after 5 outs in a row and re calculated my paper bets and found that although one would loose say 15 on the trot, (2,2,2,3,4 x 3 = 15 losses, and 39 units), that only equated to 39 units before one SHOULD strike a win sequence of some sort soon, this was much better than 2,2,2,3,4,5,8,12,17,24,36,53,77,113,1660....ouch !
My question though is,
What progression do we take after say:
initial bank to start.....1000 units
strike run of outs ........17,
Bank after run of outs......1150 units,still in front !

?Do we stay with 2,2,2,3,4,5,8 etc until we get to a goal or as i suspect keep bets at minimum, if we restart after 5 losses, then what is the point of the continuation of the series (5,8,12,17,24,36)????,

The dingo
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