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Old 5th March 2021, 10:31 AM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,457

I am slowly getting python to replace what i used to do in excel, so far i can pull race data and results info, i can also get past form but only what is available on race day but still useful, i have also implemented one of my black book systems to make selections and print out those selections to txt doc.

i am having one issue when getting results if they are not available it throws a KeyError

I have looked at a few options for this error but none work, all i need is if no results just to skip this section, the program still runs regardless but better to not have errors i guess.

def check_results(): global res1, res2, res3, res4 urlR = "" + str(date) + "/meetings/R/" + \ str(listbox1.get(ANCHOR)) + "/races/" + str(venue_numberbox.get()) + "?jurisdiction=NSW" result = requests.get(urlR) result1 = json.loads(result.content) res1 = "" res2 = "" res3 = "" res4 = "" try: res1 = result1["results"][0][0] except IndexError: pass try: res2 = result1["results"][1][0] except IndexError: pass try: res3 = result1["results"][2][0] except IndexError: pass try: res4 = result1["results"][3][0] except IndexError: pass return def results1(): global res, colour colour = "black" try: if res == "1st": colour = "darkgreen" except KeyError: pass try: if res == "2nd": colour = ("gold") except KeyError: pass try: if res == "3rd": colour = ("blue") except KeyError: pass try: if res == "4th": colour = ("purple") except KeyError: pass listbox3.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox4.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox5.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox6.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox7.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox8.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox9.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox10.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox11.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox12.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox13.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox14.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox15.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox16.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox17.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox18.itemconfig(END, fg=colour) listbox25.itemconfig(END, fg=colour)
One Drive

"If the corporates are treating you poorly , just go elsewhere."
"If they need you , they will soon find out."
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