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Old 7th July 2002, 11:45 AM
Merriguy Merriguy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 609


It seems that the answers to some of your queries are to be found, in seed form at least, in some of what you have said yourself.

1) In your first post you said that "You need the winners to make it profitable." Therefore the place component is obviously not pulling its weight (no matter how satisfying it may be to get a return from the TAB or whatever on a regular basis), and so you should stick to the win bets.

2) The 200 or so results that I presume you have (original 180 plus recent races), should give a reasonable idea of what should be the cut-off point about saddlecloth numbers. Are the few winners over, say, about number 8, or whatever, giving a reasonable return? I'd like to hear your answer to that one!!

3) And the next step is surely to find a progression that will take advantage of your very good strike rate of 30% winners. Perhapos the forum can help there.

All in all I think it has great prospects. Congratulations.
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