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Old 7th July 2002, 02:22 PM
hermes hermes is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Bendigo
Posts: 236

Thanks Merriguy. Good advice. Will do some further figures including looking for a saddlecloth cut off. Lots of # 5 and 6 overall, I've noticed, but not sure about win onlys. In fact, it seems I'll need to recalculate all of this on the win only figures. Becareful had it right several posts back. He wrote:

"Question - why not back for win only??? Sure you would have a longer time between "drinks" but based on your initial post ("no good
for placebetting alone - margins too fine") and todays results you would be better off. For today $26.40 in divs from 14 races - so at $5 a race (ie. put your place pool in win) you would be up $62 for the day."

You were right becareful. Win only is the way. It's doing better. A strike rate you could do something with.

I'II do some more figures. Wish I had a push-of-a-button database.

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