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Old 12th August 2024, 02:25 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,408

G'Day UB, you must be still reeling from Saturday SR2-15??? I didn't post straight away for obvious reasons, but YES I backed it, and not only that but I backed it on SB at enhanced odds of $138.

OK, so why did I back that ? well here is it's last 4 runs:

Last run .8 L from winner carrying 55.5kg
2nd last run 3.7 L from winner carrying "60KG"
3rd last run .5 L from winner carrying59 kg
4th last run 1.4L from winner carrying 59.5 kg

Todays weight 54kg and Reese Jones up

You can see how different strokes for different folks, but of course for me sometimes long time between drinks.
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