Another clean sweep of profitable lays with the ** selections. These are the ones I do recommend you follow if following.
There are 13 (**) selections today which are highlighted in the video.
Here are all the base method selections:
Port Macquarie 2 6 Cry to Me
Port Macquarie 2 1 Suncraft
Port Macquarie 3 8 Without
Port Macquarie 4 4 Clever Illusion
Port Macquarie 4 6 Exceedzu
Port Macquarie 4 8 Linford
Port Macquarie 4 3 Captain Attitude
Port Macquarie 5 7 Full Regalia
Port Macquarie 5 8 Nikodys Diego
Port Macquarie 5 10 Ready For Vegas
Port Macquarie 6 12 Charmed Destiny
Port Macquarie 6 11 Gold Something
Port Macquarie 7 4 Rommels Wolf
Port Macquarie 7 6 Napoli
Port Macquarie 7 10 Doolie
Port Macquarie 7 11 Golden Breeze
Bathurst 1 5 Awesome Icon
Bathurst 3 7 Vestige
Bathurst 3 8 The Fire Inside
Bathurst 3 6 Petitie Viellie
Bathurst 4 7 Barcoo River
Bathurst 4 8 Choice Deel
Bathurst 5 2 Hoorini
Bathurst 5 6 Blarney Stone
Bathurst 5 7 Mosca Luna
Bathurst 7 6 Rainagain
Cairns 1 5 Fire Sphere
Cairns 1 4 Diamond Degree
Cairns 2 4 Clan Wieland
Cairns 2 8 Mishani Delta
Cairns 3 1 Coachman
Cairns 3 6 Parvulus
Cairns 3 2 Rich Flex
Cairns 3 8 Jakunna
Cairns 4 8 Lumiere
Cairns 6 3 Lord Power
Cairns 6 7 Nine Carats
Cairns 6 9 Shes rewarding
Cairns 6 6 Call me Hilton
Cairns 6 10 Rivalon
Cairns 6 8 Political Power
Cairns 7 4 Noble Attack
Cairns 7 9 Lady of Fortune
Cairns 7 5 Over the Falls
Cairns 7 10 Lucky Jim
Cairns 7 6 Witness Attack
Cairns 8 11 Grovers prediction
Cairns 8 3 Airborne Hotdog
Cairns 8 12 Little Lover
Narrogin 4 5 Master Buddha
Narrogin 5 5 Dr on call
Narrogin 5 8 Wife says yes
Narrogin 5 9 Asarka
Narrogin 6 10 Queens Sacrifice
Narrogin 6 8 Mercurius
Narrogin 7 11 Double Rush