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Old 5th March 2025, 06:09 AM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,518

I couldn't post here yesterday as the site wouldn't load but the tips were up on youtube as always.

It was a clean sweep again for the ** selections. Another $17 profit.

Here is todays video calling out the ** selections :

Here are the base method selections:

Warwick Farm 1 8 Royal Air Force
Warwick Farm 2 2 In and Out
Warwick Farm 2 5 King of the Ring
Warwick Farm 2 6 Memphis Tennesse
Warwick Farm 2 7 State of Affairs
Warwick Farm 3 11 Manhattens
Warwick Farm 4 3 Just In Reach
Warwick Farm 5 8 Putt For Dough
Warwick Farm 5 6 Stars and Bars
Warwick Farm 6 6 Legend of Kings
Warwick Farm 7 8 King of Thunder
Warwick Farm 7 10 Rolling Magic
Warwick Farm 7 11 Travolta
Warwick Farm 8 7 Mah Ali
Warwick Farm 8 13 Proud Image
Warwick Farm 8 12 Oh Golly Gosh
Warwick Farm 8 11 Whisker to Whisker
Sandown 1 9 Test By Fire
Sandown 1 2 Im Unique
Sandown 3 4 Soju
Sandown 4 6 Superstock
Sandown 5 7 Wagon Wheel
Sandown 5 10 Shogun Express
Sandown 5 9 Piercing Sky
Sandown 6 6 Calvery Man
Sandown 7 5 Kings Coronation
Sandown 8 10 Fabrice
Sandown 8 17 Warmosa
Oakbank 1 1 Kailees Boy
Oakbank 1 2 Little Chicago
Oakbank 1 8 Shiffany
Oakbank 2 10 Wealthy Man
Oakbank 2 1 Hebrings cash
Oakbank 2 3 Prohitited
Oakbank 3 11 In Cinque
Oakbank 3 7 Rich Appetite
Oakbank 3 3 Forever Wild
Oakbank 3 17 Foxy Frost
Oakbank 3 1 Alpine Joy
Oakbank 3 6 Petite Pussiance
Oakbank 3 13 Sassy Summer
Oakbank 4 6 Jekyl and Hide
Oakbank 4 9 Sabsolutely Stoked
Oakbank 7 13 Hayai Mesu
Oakbank 7 17 Lil Hank
Oakbank 7 16 Capablanca
Belmont 1 7 Exporose
Belmont 2 7 Shoot to fame
Belmont 2 3 Alittle scooner
Belmont 2 6 Size Matters
Belmont 3 1 Cap Cavour
Belmont 3 5 Harlequin Dancer
Belmont 3 8 Satin Bowl
Belmont 3 6 Ivanas Gift
Belmont 3 7 Gigis Cappicino
Belmont 4 7 Side Show
Belmont 5 4 Boony Rock
Belmont 5 9 Lot Ho
Belmont 6 8 If I Din haveadime
Belmont 7 13 Ilgiro Demondo
Belmont 7 14 Vegrey
Launceston 1 9 Atillary Fire
Launceston 1 6 Delemare
Launceston 1 8 Loves the trip
Launceston 1 4 Me Beuagambles
Launceston 1 11 Legal issues
Launceston 1 5 Beers Are Cold
Launceston 2 9 Smash N Grab
Launceston 2 6 Diamond Sunrise
Launceston 2 5 Danerich Diva
Launceston 3 1 Hurricane Ketut
Launceston 3 4 Alpine Trout
Launceston 3 14 Miss Tina
Launceston 3 5 Clara Karen
Launceston 4 9 Valiant Khan
Launceston 4 7 The Tazweigan
Launceston 4 12 Art Heist
Launceston 4 11 Steel Connection
Launceston 4 13 Syrup
Launceston 4 15 Vanity Star
Launceston 4 16 Clara Karen
Launceston 5 9 Designer Dreamer
Launceston 6 5 Intistar
Launceston 7 2 Conundrum
Launceston 7 7 Alpine Blast
Launceston 8 2 Muscle Up
Launceston 8 5 Steel Mist
Launceston 8 9 Pop a Honda
Launceston 8 6 Dooniecan
Launceston 8 8 Martini Blue
Launceston 9 10 Sky Eagle
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