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Old 9th July 2002, 10:25 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

That Equestian Publishing system that was based on last start winners, was based on starting at the bottom of the list of horses & betting on the first one you come to paying $11.00 or less in the newspaper.

They claimed it made a profit ,after testing it over 350 races ,it was all fabrication.With very long runs of outs.
You would have lost a motsa with buckleys of recovering .

It makes far more sence to start at the top & work down.
With some qualifing rules.
E.G.1-10 TAB Nos. win 90% of races so why would you start at the bottom 10%. It dont add up,it just dont add up.

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