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Old 10th July 2002, 03:10 AM
TheDuck TheDuck is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Canada
Posts: 60

Here's the way I look at it. Let's say I stumble across a sure-fire method to beat roulette. I play here and there at casinos and load up the truck with the winnings.

Am I going to bother to sell this thing? Why would I want the hassle? If I need more money I'll drop by the casino. And why drop by local ones? I have enough cash now to go to any casino in the world. Last thing I need is to be tied to home managing my website (hey, I wonder if that website exists, hmmmm).

Quite frankly, if I figured it out I would keep it to myself to prevent someone else getting my method banned. Lasseter's tells two friends, and they tell two friends and so on and so on (I live in Canada so it would take a day or two to get here but you get the idea).

In case you're all wondering, "Does he have a sure fire roulette system?", the answer is yes. It makes me more money than I can shake a stick at. This is how I am so knowledgeable about what such a person with such a system would do, should they have one.

Oh, and I checked. There is no such website as the one above. Perhaps that's where I'll post my system when I retire. However exists. It's pretty funny. There used to be one from Australia called It was a bunch of people working on a system (of which I was a member). It just disappeared one day. Haven't heard from them.

Ok, enough rambling.
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