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Old 27th September 2004, 09:27 AM
dingoboy dingoboy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 241

Hi everyone,

Whilst watching sky racing at home all day sat, i had a thought, im interested if anyone would think this would be viable or if it would be too difficult to manage.

Here we go !!
My normal stuff,

four of them finished top 5 or six last four starts,
four of them get a reasonable mention in the tipsters coloumn in paper ie tele,
Target price minimum for fav 3. second fav say 4 or 5, third fav 6 or 7, and old mate forth 6 plus.
Watch the "market movers"
Dutch the best four runners, if a loss put this onto the next race,
I watched a lot of 6/4 favs going under and a lot of nags paying around the 6 to 9 mark comming up trumps.
I also noticed that the "sky top picks" would normally get up or pretty close, some of the 100 pointers were 15/1 and late mail pointed that way also.

What i am sugesting is, leave the races alone with favs under say 6/4, take on the others that match your crieria,....100-90 pointers and the form, mixed with the local knowledge of the late mail and sky racing info........dutch the four (could be three or five) and if one looses put this onto next race, i think that the first four favorites winning each race is about 70 % (???) therfore would it work ??
I would be very interested for thought and or critisism.
The way i look at it is, we all have access to the latest updated markets, internet TABs, papers, tipsters, Sky racing, personal knowledge, tips, staking plans,....etc etc, so i wonder how it would come out ?

Just a thought, dont be too harsh !!
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