20th October 2004, 09:06 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: newcastle nsw
Posts: 436
Yeh, i get it now, i noticed the bet size stayed static once the run of outs went above six,
Am i correct also that we dont "re calculate" on each step, we just look back at where the "closest" loss figure was, when i was doing my testing sums i found that i was always dividing and ended up with differant figure, i guess it is better to stay with the original bet figures ?
Yup that's exactly right.The whole plan just keeps repeating itself.The only time you really need to recalculate is when your bank grows significantly and you want to increase your wagers.I hope this happens for you.
One of the things I do is after a win when I go back up the bank column,if it takes me to say the second bet of "divisor 6" I just make a notation on that bet to let me know I have 5 losers before moving to divisor 7.
Good Luck