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Old 22nd October 2004, 11:04 PM
sportznut sportznut is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 2,266

Still haven't made my final decisions yet, but here's some early thoughts for the Valley. I find the Cox Plate pretty confusing this year and I'm not really confident that I've got it right. A few more hours to think about it.

RACE 1: 4 Creative Plan & 6 Hairpin (Danger 3) (Multi 4,6,3,7,2)
RACE 2: (Value 12 & 2) (Multi (12,2,1,13,3,8)
RACE 3: 2 Emlozza & 7 Miss Mooney Mooney (Danger 3) (Multi 2,7,3,6)
RACE 4: 6 Regimental Gal & 3 Dance The Waves (Multi 6,3,8,7,4)
RACE 5: 8 Hidden Strings & 1 Galvanized (Danger 2) (Multi 8,1,2,9,3,7)
RACE 6: 4 Rizon & 13 Itemise (Danger 1) (Multi 4,13,1,3,7,14)
RACE 7: 7 Starcraft & 6 Elvstroem (Danger 1) (Multi 7,6,1,13,10,4)
RACE 8: 4 Chut & 7 Zankel (Danger 8 ) (Multi 4,7,8,3,1,2)
RACE 9: 6 Lad Of The Manor & 1 True Glo (Danger 9) (Multi 6,1,9,2,7,3)
RACE 10: 3 Bulbasaur & 8 To Be Fair (Danger 4) (Multi 3,8,4,5,2,1)

[ This Message was edited by: sportznut on 2004-10-23 01:53 ]
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