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Old 17th July 2002, 10:40 AM
TheDuck TheDuck is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Canada
Posts: 60

Hi all,

I'm thinking about comments I've read about whether you do win or place wagers. It seems to me this isn't the issue. For example, if this system hits 33% of its guesses then all the 2-1 wins will end up losing money.

I don't know if you've considered this already but it would help if there is an average win percentage. Couldn't you use this as part of your filter?

For example, if this system hits 33% of the time then skip anything less than 3-1. 25% filters to only 4-1. Simple math.

Also, you mention there are bad times and good times. What's different about the bad times? I realize that sounds like and INCREDIBLY naive question, but the pattern is in there somewhere. I've found a neat trick is to figure out how to MISS the picks. As Sherlock Holmes would say, when you eliminate everything else, whatever is left, no matter how incredible, is the truth! Of course, his life was dictated by a writer who could twist facts at will but, hey, what can you do?

This is a great thread! Thanks!
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