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Old 23rd July 2002, 06:36 PM
hermes hermes is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Bendigo
Posts: 236

The hold up with the database The Duck is my learning curve. You may be distressed to know I'm working on a Mac. A G3. The software I'm using is Filemaker Pro. On most things Mac you can now get the standard MS software, eg. MS Exel for spreadsheets etc. but I'm told Filemaker Pro is the native Mac database builder. Not too hard to learn but then I'm making it quite complex. This is the third attempt at starting from scratch. Think I've got it right this time. Just a mattrer of adding more data. It will be flash when its done.

Any assistance or advice appreciated. I'm very much a novice with this sort of software. Usually work with images, not numbers and code.

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