14th November 2004, 01:39 PM
I am only trying to "hint" what is required from my own expirience.
I used excell to plan what I would want a program to do.
I still use excell to make different strategies and fomulas. Then these can get coded into a base program like I have mentioned.
The problem is, the program is not mine, I cannot do anything about that.
BUT, a TPH, (The PuntHole)can be established to plug in any module anyone wants. Look at web browsers, they are nothing but a program that the internet connects to, or vise-versa
Your HTML code web page has to be compatiable to connect to the browser. The browser is free !
Same thing with a TPH, it's GUI, free and fixed all the time till it's right by whoever.
OK, so betfair was mentioned, betfair plugs into a TPH, or betfair is "TPH Compatible"
(an option)
What other Plug-ins others have is of no concern. But betfair (obviously) will charge a fee to have their data download into the TPH module.
The trick is still, the code used for scripting to stictch the TPH and betfairs data feed and the datafeed to any other components that one may have plugged in.
TPH/Betfair/excell/back to betfair/send bet.
(if it could all be a simple as A/B/C/>BET>>
THAT code is the key to making this all work.
I have read up on all this by doing a google search, type in "object orientated program code"...
It's suppose to be user friendly,yeah, it is, but for most other business,doctor,laywers etc.Nothing for the punt, yet.
A forum then is where the FAQ's get asked and solved on this code.
Need I go on ?