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Old 15th November 2004, 05:42 PM
Dirk Gently Dirk Gently is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 55

Hi Dingo, I can't help thinking that you are looking at the trees and not the forest. That is, don't get tangled in the fine details. I too use the retirement plan but I modified it to fit my punting habits which is to place all my bets at the start of the day.
The way I do it is to look at four races as one "bet" in the plan so I only change my divisor and/or amount bet from day to day. I still use the priciple of the plan of chasing losses with a brake and a maximum stake. It is the first loss-chasing plan I have EVER considered because of the saftey factors built in. In my case it has turned a 13%POT into a 20% POT, so I'm happy. I'm happy to send you my result sheet (excel)if you want. email
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