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Old 22nd November 2004, 11:08 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Following shorteners with a tool costing $10,000+ is rediculous.

Often bookies layoff on the TAB to try & balance their book, not neccerally the fact that it will win but to reduce their exposure to risk.

If you want to follow shorteners ,just go to the Victorian TAB which shows the price movements at 15 min. & inwards, on the Teletext No.561
This service will cost you nothing.

I have a tool that cost $275 & it does the same thing, it was advertised on this sight some months ago,it can either track the horses which had the largest single bets or basic market shorteners or blowers it can also dutch bet the selections & lay the bets to your internet TAB betting A/C

Like so many other strateregies ,some days it work & some days it wont.

Here is a tip ,if one likes the idea of chasing shorteners ,follow the top 2 chances in each race & back the one that has come in the least in price ,not the most.

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