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Old 5th August 2002, 01:47 PM
Neil Neil is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 804

Hi TestaRossa,
You may well be right about Lonhro being value - at top fluctuation in the race the Sydney bookies market was only 102%!

If Testa Rossa was value at $1.70 in a market of 102% it would also mean none of the other horses were value - despite the odds on offer.

That is also something we keep hammering away at on this site - double figure odds does not mean value.

We see it as a way of trapping punters into accepting poor odds about horses in the most difficult of races.

The more open a race, the harder it is to back a winner, yet punters are told by media commentators "Whatever you like you are going to get value."

To use the roulette example, if you are given $21.00 about a single number of your choice coming up on the next spin, we all know that is atrocious unders and not value.

[ This Message was edited by: Neil on 2002-08-05 14:52 ]
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