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Old 21st December 2004, 08:52 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 956
Default Class Figures

This would only be class figures they would be getting, ie the kilogram figure which expresses the strength of the race, from which weight ratings can be derived. They are the basis of a weight ratings method (methods employed by the likes of the late Don Scott, by Mark Read and others). I wouldn't do the form for them, like you I agree that satisfaction comes from the intellectual challenge and from getting it right, I would merely be provoding the class figures for those who have a database of weight ratings or who want one, meaning they would have at their disposal and for their use weight ratings for all the horses they were doing the form for, and believe me it helps when you're doing the form. Weight ratings are not the be all and end all, but they are great way of sifting the grain from the chaff. (I think that's the saying...)

Any one else got opinions on this too?
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