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Old 23rd December 2004, 09:04 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 956

Those ratings no the Ozeform site are pretty much the same ratings that IAS use when doing the form etc, so you'll find no problems with using them. They're probably the best ratings you could access to be honest, and they're free, and you get the whole history of the horse too. The only qualm is the laborious nature of typing in every horse. If you could access them by clicking on them in the form part of the website it'd be excellent.

Remember one thing when you're doing the form with ratings - there's no rule about what you should do every time in any given circumstance, because (and though it might sound cliched it's true) all horses are different. There's no right or wrong either, the only measure of right or wrong is whether you end up winning or losing. Try different things, but always look back on what you did and see what worked and what didn't.
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