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Old 27th December 2004, 05:25 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Heres another one ,if one wants to ride with the wild poneys.

Increase your prvious bet by multiplying it by 1.5
e.g. Your take out figure or outlay figure , might be say 10 units on the 1st bet , it may look something like this on a looseing run.
10,15,23,35,53,80,120,180,270 ext.
When one winner gets up , repeat the bet , keep repeating the bet after winning bets, until we have broke even or in front.
If a looser presents itself ,
increase bet by multiplying by 1.5 (50% increase)

What this is relying on is one`s ability to strike 2 or more winners in a row in the sequence of bets to claw back losses.

What I find frustrating with Dutch betting , is how The Favs get up when you dont want them to.
But I like this concept of betting ,if you can pick them.

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