27th December 2004, 10:37 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 4,426
Originally Posted by TenFour
Love the thread, but I've just got one question. How many systems are you using at the same time? I remember reading earlier that you were using a few and I'm just wondering if you are still persisting with them all or have you thrown in the towel with any of them.
Hi TenFour,
Originally there were four systems but I've cut it down to two as the long run of outs before a winner was killing it. Unfortunately I cannot specify price cutoffs before a bet, but if I did, it would be a lot more profitable , but a lot less bets - as small as maybe 1 a week sometimes.
So there we have it, the Titanium Tips are Lead Tips or Titanic Tips without price filters.
I'm looking at a new strategy for the New Year that will give a lot more action and profit hopefully.