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Old 30th December 2004, 10:41 PM
Merriguy Merriguy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 609

Hi Guys,

That thread address doesn't seem to be working. Sorry! Don't understand how some of the things work on this new updated forum

The gist of his system is summarised in this quote:

Originally Posted by hermes

As I understand it Testarossa covers all the possibilities of getting two or three strikes in a row on placebets.

He uses four banks of $200. First bet = $2.

Bank A is level stakes.
Bank B covers two strikes in a row. If race 1 is a strike, let it ride on race 2. If it wins, bank it. Start again with $2 on race 3.
Bank C. covers three strikes in a row. If race 1 places carry to 2, if it places carry to 3, if it places bank and start again.
Bank D is tricky. Its the same as Bank B. but it covers all the combinations not covered by Bank B. Let race 2 ride on race 3, for example. In Bank D you bank and bet fresh on the same race so its staggered against the other sequences.

The more two strikes in a row and three in a row you get the more your profits multiply - obviously. You turn over your winnings.

You can find discussion in the topic "Placegetter system". Its basically running several columns of all-ups concurrently.

Testarossa says he spun $800 into $13,000 in 12 months using this accelerator. Place bets. Sure things. But he has an exceptional strike rate. He could run a four-in-a-row bank. But it works (on paper) for me on a more modest strike rate. Just running banks A, B and C works OK too. First bet is $6 (2+2+2). Simply stake a third of it for level stakes, a third on getting two in a row and a third on three in a row. Four banks works magic - if outs are rare. (Obviously again. ANY system works better if outs are rare.)

Testarossas four bank job is very neat.

But even then I'm discovering the value of level stakes. The way staking plans seem to accelerate earnings incredibly is a mirage. They do so by betting more. Of course. The more you bet the more you make (and risk). There is no way known you can bet less and make more (at less risk). Some plans are good and safe. Testarossas has the virtue of betting more with the TABs money rather than your own. But I'm finding that even the best plans aren't nearly as superior to level stakes as they seem and as I imagined.

The problem comes down to:

I'm making good POT on placegetters. Got myself a selection system that pays. But it pays maybe $20 dollars over 100 races. It will take a long time to get rich that way. To accelerate it I need more funds to invest. I could multiply my bets by a hundred and make $2000 over 100 races.But where do I get the cash (legally and without the wife knowing) and there will inevitably be runs of outs in the average, won't there?

Schemes propose getting all or some of this money from somewhere other than my pocket. Turn over winnings. Or reinvest a percentage of bank as it grows, or percentage of running profit, or some other calculation. But you'll always be risking money that is a reward for risking money from your pocket. Factor in risk and it all comes from your pocket.


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