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Old 4th January 2005, 10:51 AM
brett brett is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 2
Thumbs up database to test system ideas/analyse form components


i am new to this site, but would firstly like to say that there is some great information here, and thanks to everyone for sharing their ideas. what interests me most is where people have run system ideas through quite extensive databaes to almost instantly find out whether over the last few years or so, a certain system or idea would have produces a loss or profit, and what win and place strike rates and so on. this is a very valuable time-saving device to be able to use a database to test ideas on,and as such i would like to know, where u can get this information from and what does it cost????

any help would be greatly apprecited,as while i dont have any system ideas as such, i would like to test all sorts of different form angle on a large database to see what sort of profit and loss each produces, and then move forward from there to trying to develop the holy grail, ie. a system that actually makes money!!

thanks again, in advance.

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