I neither have the time nor the vibe to answer your comment.
But excuse me for being the one to remind those that are not aware of internet happenings if they go unchecked for the overzealous advertising guru's that prey on internet insecurities,your where abouts, your habits, and probably your personal details if given half a chance.
But if I got paid for knowledge of my internet whereabouts, well that's different.But ya don't get paid much by the advertisers for sending bets, it seems.
I am the "customer" is my choice of reference to be able to choose what comes and goes upon my internet connection and I should not have to pay for anit-virus,firewalls,advertising spy codes blockers and all the rest of it.
I would rather buy more tool type software or more $$ per hour towards my programers to do what they do towards my racing.
As far as paying for things on this forum, yes I have bought some products, software infact, and further more, it really is nuyabiziness.
Other forms of "payment" is shear entertainment.
I think I am funny !! or insane and paranoid, but I don't change my user name ! If i did, I may call myslef "verbalfingerprint" !
either way, I can larf, can you ?
Most of my posts are just that if it ain't about racing ,a larf in a monty python type of scenario.
My racing is serious though, it's money and time invested, others say it's gambling.
Start a new thread if ya want to take the issue further.
I have replied to Rikki, he will see where I am coming from, and possibly reply by email to.
On a serious note,there does not seem to be much on the original question of this thread, "staking plan for dutch betting".
I believe there ain't one,having the formula is one thing, applying the sum of the formula is another.