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Old 8th January 2005, 12:29 AM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,408

my ideas are based on somthing i read 15 years ago they are not based on common ratings but they are based on common form for example a horse has run leass than 6 lengths in it's last 3 starts it gets a value the horse has a particular strike rate it gets another my ratings are kinda based on a lot of other peoples but they would have to is no good me having ratings saying i will give 10 points to a horse that ran 20 lengths last 3 that makes no sense so if you base your rating on form and other things you are going to have similar horse in your list...if you look at our list we all have similar horses some are different but not a great deal....but the ratings are different aren't they some are weight based some are speed based and some are form reality no matter what ratings you use if they are sound then you will have a better chance to get the winners.
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