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Old 9th January 2005, 10:02 AM
Jimmy Jimmy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 47
Question Place percentages/Place market

There has been discussion recently relating the expected winning percentages of favs compared to tote price.

What are the expected place percentages compared to tote prices?

With a bookies/fixed tote market, win/place prices are linked. Normal tote win/place prices can be very different.

Therefore my question concerns expected chances of placing compared to tote prices and anomolies between win and place. For example: Two horses favs in 2 separate 10 horse fields :

Race A: W$4.50 P$1.50
Race B: W$2.00 P$1.50

Obviously 2 different expectations of winning from the tote prices but place expectation or chances according to the tote are similar ???

Very simplistic and you need to monitor the tote until the jump but has anyone followed any similar thoughts.

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