Originally Posted by puntz
you can make them ya self.
All ya need is to get a old game' smthing or rather computer game set at a garage sale ( the lable is scratched, so is the serial number, and make sure buttons work)and a house alarm with dial up.The type that, "rings the security crowd and they ring you" type). ( remeber to change the the number, so it rings YOU and not THEM)
You convert the dial up chipset in the house alarm so it fits the cable in the usb port. Then you cable the game-set so it fits in the coverted house alarm.
Then from the usb port, you make your spreadsheet connect,somehow.
The dial-up in the house alarm actualy rings the TAB. You pre-record messages,(so they think it's you) and let's say, it's MR01 10 units on 3
You record all the bits and pieces of information, file it alphabeticaly and numericaly, the spreadhseet does the rest)
From there, the imagination is limitless.You can tell it to do almost anything!
I do have sounds though, one is cash register sound. But it has a glitch.
The glitch is, when it results, the cash register sounds, but it sounds on both won and loss races, and I only want to to sound on the win races, ya know ?, like, do I HAVE to keep checking all the time??
geez, when will these programmers ever get it right !!??
Oh yeah, and ya realy do need a programmer to do the yuk stuff with the usb port thingy, can't help ya there though, sorry about that.