10th January 2005, 11:05 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 956
I am fine with any way at all. Quick post about first uppers - they are a nightmare. Better if we had the information like hong kong do, ie all trials and gallops and all work all published, as well as horse weights so you know if they've come back carrying too much weight. As it is, we're fumbling in the dark in Oz with 1st uppers. Some "proven" 1st uppers flop, and others who have stats like 5-0-0-0 1st up suddenly salute. The lack of certainty with them is why I generally avoid 1000m races, they are usually full of them, and why I always do better at the 1400-1600 races. Exposed form, you know where they're at.
Sorry not to be of more help, if anyone has the answer to the riddle I'd also love to hear it.