11th January 2005, 11:02 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Port Macquarie
Posts: 1,694
Originally Posted by jaffa39
Hi, not meaning to say any thing bad about tips or how they go.
But would be better if just 2 or 3 per race don't you think
Anyhow best of luck mate
Gday Jaffa,
Bit hard to have a first 4 or a decent chance at a tri with 2 or 3 horses I woulda thought. Some people, myself included do not bet one horse per race but look for the value when it presents itself, and that may involve 2 or 3 or 4 horses.. I post 6 so as people who choose to, may if they wish have 6 in a tri or a FF or a quin or exacta.. or even the quaddie
The prices are not tips per se, but ratings, and should be used that way if you wish, I would never suggest people back the top rated horse exclusively, that way lies poverty. My ratings are not that good that they throw constant Top rated winners, but what they do do is find value.. It might be a horse I have rated at 8 bucks comes home and pays 30 or so,it may be the 5th rated horse it happens and happens regulary (jinxxed myself there) Keep watching you may see that evey now and then.. Alternatively if you do not like the way I post ratings... dont read em.
Anyhow bet the way you feel comfortable with, and I will do the same, I think to win in this game that you need to cast a bit wider than the first 3 in the market, anyway, as you say best of luck mate