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Old 11th January 2005, 11:55 AM
xptdriver xptdriver is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Port Macquarie
Posts: 1,694

Originally Posted by bobd
Hi xptdriver. Thanks for putting your ratings on the post. Any advice on using them (beyond seeking price overlays or double overlays)? Eg, do your long term results suggest profitable betting horses rated 3 points or less [or something like that]? Betting ALL your top rated yesterday yielded a good profit//have the top-rated done ok over the long term?

Hope you continue to post them!!!

Regards Bobd

Gday Bob..

I am loathe to advise people how to bet.. that is an idividual decision, as is value. Value is a very personal thing.. I may think a thing rated 1.9 paying
2.3 is a great overlay, where someone else may not. I generally do not take less than $3

Over the long haul, taking the overs has proved a worthwhile excercise. I do not think the ratings are good enough that you could back the top rated horse exclusively, at best you will break even but more likely your bank would wither on the vine. I will have a look back since Jan 1 and see how the top horse has gone, tho I am not confident they would be in profit. But I don't use them that way, I have always looked for the value, the only thing I will say is that I only consider horses rated up to $11 as win bets. The others are there for people who like to take multi quins tris ex's etc.

I hope this helps
Good luck and good punting
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