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Old 16th January 2005, 08:46 AM
Merriguy Merriguy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 609

Hi Bhagwan,

Another interesting post. Thanks.

Couple of questions. Where does the average price of $4.90 come from?

[quote]Bet 4 units on your Best selection & 1 unit on your Other selection.
Now if one had a 75% SR of selecting the Best of those 2 horses.
The POT would be approx 32% based on one selection per race.
E.g. 36% Top 2 SR @ 75%=27%SR of ones 1st selection @ average price of $4.90=32% POT.[unquote]

I had a look at your suggestion with yesterday's QTAB. I think it was 6/10 venues came up with the first winner in Race 1 --- but all were at very short prices. Two or three of the others produced a winner within three; but one (Newcastle) did not have a winner in the first five races! Do you have any suggestions about a staking plan given the above?

I guess you can only accept +$3.00 or something like that; but I fear you would have very few bets --- at least on a Saturday. Comments?
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