Thread: CR2000 RATINGS
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Old 26th August 2002, 01:59 AM
hermes hermes is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Bendigo
Posts: 236

The difference between 10% POT and 71% is considerable indeed, but it also gives very wide parameters for customizing the method to a punter's liking. I'd be looking for a little bit more action, so could include ratings 100, 99, 98 and still be assured of POT somewhere between 10% and 70%. Impressive flexibility!

I gather the ratings scale holds good throughout that range of POT, i.e. 96-100 gives lowest POT, 97-100 second lowest, 98-100 third lowest, 99-100 highest of all. Conversely, 96-100 gives most action, 99-100 least. Choose within that range to suit your betting style.

And if the ratings scale holds good like that it also follows you could bet accordingly. Rated 96 = 1 unit. 97 = 2 units. etc. Stack your bets with the probabilities?

(Beautiful day at the races at Bendigo today - now yesterday. Got severely stung betting with a bookie, saved by a last start lunge, went home happy. Love country racing.)

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