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Old 1st February 2005, 01:57 PM
Chrome Prince Chrome Prince is offline
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Posts: 4,415

Originally Posted by Neil

We expect serious, disciplined punters to understand this, unlike the small casual punter who usually expects miracles from a tipping service and when a few selections lose says, "They're no good."

Cheers, Neil

Oh how true Neil!

The casual punter expects unrealistic miracles if they pay for something.
This is the downfall of these punters, because they will never have the patience or discipline to make racing pay longterm. They'd rather have a 200% POT one day only, than win over a year.

Every significant punter I know or know of, that wins longterm operates on a small margin of profit, but high volume of turnover or very large wagers on a small number of bets .

Anything else is chasing miracles.
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