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Old 5th February 2005, 12:03 PM
Sportz Sportz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 11,994

Yeah, I don't know how you would come up with a market Mo.

It's pretty tricky. If I think one of the top jockeys has a great book of rides, I'll sometimes have a go, but so many things can go wrong. I backed a double of Beadman and Oliver a few weeks ago and Oliver was never in doubt but Beadman had to win the last race on an $8 shot to get up. Nerve racking!!!

I remember one day backing a jockey who I thought was a certainty. He started with a couple of wins and I thought he was home, but then he injured his foot before the 3rd race, was stood down for the rest of the day and got beaten.
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