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Old 29th August 2002, 05:13 PM
Equine Investor Equine Investor is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 740


You have brought up a very important point here.

How many people on the forum get looks of horror and comments like "a mugs game" or "you can never win at racing" when telling people about your hobby or interest?

I think everyone knows someone who never won anything in their lives and caused financial hardship to friends and family. In fact I know many people who went to their graves without one red cent chasing the perfect system!


It is sad that this is the perception of the general public, who fail to realise that given discipline and a profit at level stakes, you CAN make regular money from horseracing.
When I explain to people what I do, I get varied reactions from "well give us a tip then" to "you'll learn"

It frustrates me beyond belief, that the general public don't quite get how it works and that it's not a get rich quick scheme, similarly it's not a bankrupting proposition provided you spend the time effort and use discipline and caution.

Just my thoughts.
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