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Old 7th February 2005, 03:45 PM
Sportz Sportz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 11,988

I've only recently begun working out ratings on a more regular basis and sometimes I just don't tend to trust what they come up with. A good example is the next race at Grafton. My ratings actually came out like this:

2 Sir Dan 55.0
10 Diamond And Ice 54.0
11 Postcard Bandit 53.0
12 Port And Brandy 51.0
3 Autumn Showers 50.0
1 So Equal 48.0
5 Sensache 48.0

But for some reason, when I actually posted my tips, I dropped Diamond And Ice down a couple of spots and left Postcard Bandit out altogether.
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