Thread: Don Scott
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Old 9th February 2005, 11:22 AM
La Mer La Mer is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 578

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince
Did Scott take an average of ALL starts, use the last start, take the last three starts, take the peak rating or compare the peak with the last run or perhaps something else? How did he rate a first up horse?

Direct quotes from one of Scott's books:

"The base run rating is a very important figure. It is the foundation on which you build all your future ratings calculations.

The base run rating depends on ... the number of runs from a spell (and) the expected peak rating.

If the horse is racing for the 1st time this preparation, the base run rating is the expected peak rating.

If the horse is racing for the 2nd time this preparation, the base run rating is the ratings for its 1st run this preparation.

If the horse is racing for the 3rd time this preparation, the base run rating is the better of its two previous runs.

From the 4th run onwards, the base run rating is usually the best of the horse's last three runs."
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