Thread: brave statement
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Old 25th October 2001, 10:34 PM
Dave Dave is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Sydney
Posts: 6

Have you all gone mad ? Why does everyone seem to think that Sunline's form is not as good these days ?

She couldn't win the Turnbull last year but this year she won comfortably. And the year before she was unplaced in the Epsom in one of her lead-up runs.

The worst she has done this prep is run second, and I guarantee the McKee's will have her firing on Saturday.

If Universal Prince couldn't beat Sunline at Flemington, then how on earth will he beat her at Mooney Valley ?

I think Sunline will win easily, but if she does happen to get run down it will be right on the line and she will run second.

Don't look too much into Mark Read's opinion either. I have heard a lot of stories about respected bookmakers giving false opinions to benefit themselves. They tip horses that they think can't win in order to get people to back them. This is not uncommon.

Sunline is a champion. Never write off a champion, especially a champion in form.
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