Thread: Monday Feb 14
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Old 14th February 2005, 03:54 PM
xptdriver xptdriver is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Port Macquarie
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Default I love Hobart :)

Originally Posted by Sportz
XPT, That's brilliant!!! Well done. My ratings were just plain awful by comparison.

And you also got another $25 winner earlier I see. Amazing!

Gday Sportz,

thanks.... still yahooing here.. I reckon your handicapping is pretty decent, so I wouldnt run around bagging yaself

I hope some people got on... It is a simple and easy way to have a bet I reckon.. provided you don't get the horrors when ya horse starts at big prices. Strike rate may not be flash but prices more than make up for it

My full ratings have done pretty well today as well... I havent posted them because I read somewhere on this forum, a knocker saying that people who post here do not regularly provide info that provides winners and profit for readers. The only 3 times I have posted using this method they have gone well... I don't think you can do more than that.

Again thanks for the words
Good luck and good punting
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