Thread: Monday Feb 14
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Old 14th February 2005, 04:10 PM
Sportz Sportz is online now
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Originally Posted by xptdriver
I read somewhere on this forum, a knocker saying that people who post here do not regularly provide info that provides winners and profit for readers.

Yeah, comments like that is part of the reason why I don't post tips much any more. But we shouldn't really pay any attention to people like that. I mean, if it was up to them, this forum would contain NO tips or ratings or anything like that, and I reckon that would make it pretty BORING!!! It's really up to the individual to make up their own minds if tips provided by you, me or anyone else are worth following. And if anyone bet on your tips today, I'm sure they must be in front. Personally, although I myself only had Our Dashing Dane rated 9th, I did have a small bet on it because I like backing barrier 1 in big fields and I remembered that you had it on top.

Keep up the good work!
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