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Old 27th October 2001, 05:12 AM
Dave Dave is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Sydney
Posts: 6

Silvano cannot win the Cox Plate, and his quote of 9/2 is ridiculous.

When are we going to learn that the Europeans aren't as good as they're hyped up to be ? It happens nearly every year in the Melbourne Cup.

The best example was Oscar Schindler. He was supposedly the greatest thing to ever set foot on Australian soil.... 50 lengths better than our horses simply because he was "placed in the Arc". He ran into a handy local named Saintly and finished 15th.

Double Trigger was another one. He started as a dominant favourite and did nothing. Vintage Crop is, of course, the exception.

And we are talking about the Melbourne Cup here, not the Cox Plate. The Melbourne Cup probably suits the European plodders a lot more than the 2040m of Mooney Valley ever would.

I believe the Melbourne Cup is a much easier race to win than the Cox Plate. Just look at some of the duds that have won the Cup in recent years. Brew was just a solid handicapper. Rogan Josh likewise. And Jezebeel was no champion.

Now look at the Cox Plate honour roll. Sunline. Sunline again. Might And Power. Saintly. Octagonal. Try and find a horse in that list that wasn't a champion. Dane Ripper, of course, won the race in '97 but she was pretty darn good too if you look at her record in Melbourne. She bolted in with an Australian Cup and also won a Stradbroke.

The point I'm trying to make here is that the Cox Plate produces only the highest class of winners, whereas the Melbourne Cup can be run and won by just about anything with a bit of stamina and a decent trainer. If the Europeans have been so unsuccessful in the Melbourne Cup then I say they aren't even close to good enough to win at Mooney Valley. And this is the best field of locals we've had in years.

If Silvano wins, or even runs second, then I'll eat humble pie for sure. But I'm not too worried at this stage.
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