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Old 4th March 2005, 08:51 AM
Sportz Sportz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 11,995

Decided to cut back on the tipping comp this month. Trifectas and All-ups were a bit of fun for a while, but I think going back to just Win and Each Way bets will make things easier for all.


$100 to bet with each week. Win and Each Way betting only.
No restriction on the number of selections per race, and you can bet all $100 on one horse if you wish. The only rule regarding bet sizes is that you must use multiples of $5. In other words, $5 win, $10 win, $15 win, $5 e-w, $10 e-w, $15 e-w etc.

Of course, all tips to be posted prior to the jump time of your first race. In the case of scratchings, it would be desirable if you could make changes, but if that's not possible, your scratched horses will simply be taken out and that money refunded.
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