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Old 7th March 2005, 02:04 PM
kenchar kenchar is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: SYDNEY
Posts: 723

I am not working to odds(strange for me) but a certain formline thing.
The minimum odds (place) I will accept is $2.0 and the maximum is the skies the limit. I am getting quite a few in the $4.0 to $6.0 range.
The best so far is $18 which is obviously once in a blue moon so I didn't include that when working out the profit on that day.
As far as POT, I never work on that but units or points or whatever you want to call them ( the size of the bet ).
I don't care what I have to outlay on a day as long as I can get my profit for the day.
Yesterday 64 out 77 in, so that's a nice 13 for the day, but I will never go the whole day, but stop when I'm satisfied.
Hey it might be a purple patch at the moment I don't know, but all I am doing at this stage is running the whole day to see if there are any disasters.

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