Thread: SPSS??
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Old 9th March 2005, 06:42 PM
Paddy Paddy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 5,783

Originally Posted by blocka39

Just wondering if anyone has used SPSS (statistical program) in developing a a rating system.

I think it is possible to use this program to determine how much each variable contributes to the overall success of a horse.

I would be interested to speak to anyone that has tried to create a model using stastistical software like this rather than selecting a number of variables and running it through a database to get the results.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Just had a quick chat to a friend of mine (who uses SPSS at work) about the contents of your email blocka39. She started talking double-dutch & using words I couldn't comprehend (there's many of those!). In a nutshell the answer was 'yes' but I think you need to be a bit of a rocket scientist to use. Maybe one of our forumites can suggest something a bit easier to use.
Ta me go maith
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