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Old 10th March 2005, 10:22 AM
Sportz Sportz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 11,988


Mr J is more the computer database professional gambler type person. He will be able to answer your gambling questions better than me. Personally, I'm a bit closer to what you do. I do ratings, but like you, a lot of it is simply based on my own subjective judgements with my 'little brain'. I do certainly take stats into account though.

Mr J bets on certain sports and he bets on a large number of games in those sports, based on the fact that he is hoping to win a certain % of those games and that will be enough to make the amount of profit he wants. He mainly uses line bets and he will try to get around 60% winners at around $1.95 and with as many bets as he has, that will be enough to make a good return.

I'm more a believer in betting only when I think there is an advantage to be made. I have a couple of 'systems' which I follow too. I also like betting on futures. I know that a lot of people don't like this form of betting, but I love it. For example, how good it was when the Superbowl came around this year and I'd already managed to back both teams at $7.50 and $8.50.
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