Thread: Stony Creek Cup
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Old 13th March 2005, 11:50 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 956

This is how I see it:

STC 7 4.10
seln mgn price name
1 0.0 $5.0 STAR OF ST COVET
5 0.8 $8.0 DAVIDOFF
6 0.9 $8.0 SWISS STORM
2 1.2 $9.5 MASAI-NZ
7 1.4 $11.1 WHOS IN CHARGE
8 1.9 $17.4 LIQUID LUNCH
4 2.5 $37.4 ENZED
9 2.9 $53.7 AGGRO

The topweight won well resuming over 1100 at STC four ago, surprising considering he's also been over the hurdles. The win at the Valley was a gutbuster, watched the replay just before they went way too early and it was a last man standing job. Not surprised it flopped LS. Can't see why it wouldn't return to that kind of form today though.

Good luck. Going out for lunch. Back before Cup.
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