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Old 15th March 2005, 07:19 PM
rabbitz rabbitz is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: sharapova island
Posts: 1,843

Restrict your bets and you might win overall
Dont bet on Maidens
Dont bet on Mondays,Tuesdays,Thursdays,Fridays ,Sundays
Dont bet on Basketball,Baseball,Restricted Margin Betting in Rugby League ,i.e. 1-12,
My Dad used to say Why dont you go to the TAB ,work out how much your prepared to lose,give it to the man behind the counter ,then go do something else.(bit negative)
Seriously though be a bit choosy,dont take short odds,listen to other punters and you,ll have fun.Dont get in over your head or you'll be like the ********head who has his first hangover ,saying they"ll never drink again
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